“Xinflix Entrepreneur Club Inauguration “

“The Inauguration event took place e on June 19, 2022”

Warm congratulations! The launching ceremony of the “New Power Entrepreneurs Club” The event was a complete success. It took place In the performance hall of New Power Media / Xinflix in Markham, it was full of friends and VIPs. More than 30 well-known entrepreneurs from Canadian companies such as Technology Giant “Distributel”, Care Technologies, Easyca, Golden Taste, MPS Connections, Sunny Delight International, Bon Vin Liquid Imports, catering, Internet, law, building materials and other fields have gathered to witness the launch of “New Power Enterprise”.Club.

Our special guest, Markham Mayor “Frank Scarpiti” delivered a very supportive and motivational opening ceremony speech, Xinflix Entrepreneur Club thanks Mr. Mayor for his support”

“Another very special Guest, Miss Hazel Hernandez, Consul General at the Republic of el Salvador in Toronto, Canada, her speech was about the great investments opportunities that her country of El Salvador offers emphasizing in job creation, new programs that can be developed thanks to the country’s geographical position as well as the quality labour force that can be found for different investment fields, such as Energy, Telecom, Light Manufacturing, Agroindustry, Travel and Tourism among others, offering a variety of options.

The margin for introducing new products is also very wide, but do not forget that El Salvador also exports materials such as: iron, steel, aluminum, glass, plastic, rubber, wood and paper.
In addition, El Salvador has created a single channel for setting up companies and obtaining business registration. These Procedures are carried out via the web through the site www.miempresa.gob.sv, making El Salvador one of the 28 countries of the world that have a single virtual window for business start-ups, there is also the Procedures Center for
Imports and Exports, which may be abbreviated, CIEX El Salvador, which is made up of two business areas: Exports and Imports Section

We also like to introduce Mr. Patrick Hung, president and CEO of Xinflix Media and Xinflix Entrepreneur Club where he has delivered a motivational speech, in which he mentioned he was very proud of this new Business club and he was more than happy and willing to support and expand the Clubs vision, by helping one another the club will be successful, “there will be challenges”, he quoted but with a positive attitude and willingness to work hard and focus, no challenges will be big enough for the Xinflix Business Club.

“Alexia Marian” our talented Cantatour from Mexico, has delighted our Club members with the songs she wrote, More Than an Illusion and Further Away, great songs

Xinflix Entrepreneur Club is not only an exclusive business association to be part of, this Club already has the right attitude, the right vision and the right leadership that will guide the business leaders to achieve not only success but recognition in the business field part of.