On March 7, 2024, the Minister of Transport, Pablo Rodriguez, and the Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of
Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship and Member of Parliament for Markham—Unionville, Paul
Chiang, announced an investment of over $13.5 million to support 112 projects in the Greater Toronto
and Hamilton Areas, and other regions in Ontario through the Rail Safety Improvement Program at the
historic former Unionville train station in Markham.

The Rail Safety Improvement Program provides funds for projects that aim to improve rail safety at
grade crossings and along rail lines. It provides investments in rail infrastructure, helps address climate
change resiliency, supports innovative solutions through research studies and new technology pilot
projects, and helps educate Canadians on railway safety through outreach and awareness initiatives.

For example, close to $280,000 has been allocated for a grade crossing improvement project in
Markham, near the former train station where this announcement took place. Pedestrian gates, fencing,
and other protective measures have been added at the GO Train crossing on Main Street Unionville.
This is one of a dozen projects in Markham that have been approved through this round of Rail Safety
Improvement Program funding.

In addition to supporting infrastructure upgrades, technology pilot projects, and research initiatives
aimed at enhancing railway safety, investments through the Rail Safety Improvement Program also
contribute to economic growth by ensuring the continued efficient movement of goods to market and
creating good-paying jobs.

Minister of Transport the honorable Pablo Rodriguez said “We’re investing to improve the safety of Canadians, especially those who work and live along our railway lines. The projects we’re funding in the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Areas and across Ontario will keep our communities safe and our railway systems efficient. ”

Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship and Member of
Parliament for Markham—Unionville , Mr Paul Chiang said ,“We have railway crossings throughout Markham, and throughout the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Areas. Knowing that the Government of Canada is making these crossings safer will help people in our many neighbourhoods feel safer as they travel to and from their homes, jobs, schools, or any other

There are some multicultural media institutions’ representatives who raised questions regarding the performance of the Rail Safety Improvement Program and increasing auto theft issues.

Quick Facts:
 The Rail Safety Improvement Program funds projects and initiatives that contribute to increasing
safety at grade crossings and along rail lines, and increase public confidence in Canada's rail
 Since the inception of the Rail Safety Improvement Program in 2016, it has supported more
than 1,000 projects across Canada, for a total investment of more than $230 million.
 The Rail Safety Improvement Program provides financial support to provinces, territories,
municipalities and local governments, road and transit authorities, crown corporations, for-profit
and not-for-profit organizations, academia, Indigenous groups, communities and organizations,
and individuals/private landowners, to help improve rail safety and reduce injuries and fatalities
related to rail transportation.